Why we play

“We believe in improving the quality of people’s lives, both physically and socially, by enabling them to play the sport we love in a friendly and inclusive environment “

Here at the Swindon Softball League we believe in the power of softball. The power it has to bring people of all ages, genders, backgrounds and abilities together. 

We believe in it’s ability to facilitate growth, individually and as a teammate, and how it generates a sense of fun and belonging in all who play. 

We love how it encourages new connections, friendships and even relationships. We love how it makes us feel and we can’t wait for Monday and Thursday nights and weekend tournaments to come around. We love sharing our sport and and we can wait to do so with you.

But you don’t have to take our word for it! You can check out this great Buzfeed article and see what some of our league members think about softball below:

Our Players

Name: Connie 

Age: 30

Team: Spitfires 

How long have you played Softball?: I started mid August 2018 with 2019 being my first full season and my first in the Swindon.

Why do you play softball?: I watched a friend play it and wanted to join in! It’s great for all ages, sizes and fitness levels and a great way to be social.

What you love about the Swindon League: I love how supportive everyone is regardless of your play level, everyone supports each other and gives good advice.

Best memory playing softball: Tournaments! No distinctive memory yet as I’m still new to it.

How softball makes you feel: Energetic and excited.

What would you say to someone who hasn’t tried softball before?: Give a taster session a go, you never know you might enjoy it!

Name: Danny

Age: 37

Team: Aries (formally Cyclones and Nationwide Blaze)

How long have you played softball?: About 14 years (all in Swindon).

Why do you play softball?: I play because my team is a great bunch, we are friends who share a hobby! And also because I’m a failed cricketer who needed a summer sport!

What you love about the Swindon League: I love the banter and the fun.

Best memory playing softball: Watching players I’ve coached get hits/catches or outs. And starting a successful triple play!

How softball makes you feel: Young when I play but old the next day!

What would you say to someone who hasn’t tried softball before?: Give it a go, be open minded and bring your sense of humour!